Saturday, October 12, 2024


The stars are like flowers

Emit light akin to fragrance
Though they may be dead
The dead speak to their kin
Through the ruins of time
Across vast distances
The distances do not matter
When the mind wants to know
If it came before or after
After or together or was there always
Always seems plausible for
Nothing cannot precede everything
Cordelia knows nothing can compare
What she feels for her father who has
To lose sceptre and crown to learn nothing.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Three alphabets

The nationalised bank greets clients

With a novel secular 'golu' of
Docile animals and meek humans
Whose days are as numbered
As the rest of us though we may
Find ourselves breathing longer
Than we would normally like to be,
The visually impaired are now offered
Magnifying lens to fill out their forms
Maybe even read the day's Hindi word
And go home and be inspired to learn
More such words the smart phone teaches,
Imagine learning a language under duress
Initiating a child into three alphabets.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Love in the sky

The air force planes rehearsing

For the coming parade, break
All civilian decibel limits,
Across  the sky copters draw the hearteen
Expressing their love for the nation
Finding new limits of the constitution,
One recalls the air raid sirens heard
In the clips from the West Asian wars
It wouldn't be fun to be at the receiving end
Of bombs, shells, missiles raining on us
Not to be a spectator sitting with a plate of cookies
But to be part of the chilling TV spectacles
Watching dream houses crashing, newborns
Blinded, maimed, killed, or worse orphaned
Would we cheer bombers heading out on missions
If we could see the targets as flesh and blood?

Monday, September 16, 2024


With each remembering, the past

Appears better than it was last time,
The distance of time makes it less bitter,
It is easier to forgive those who found
Pleasure in the pain they caused others,
With each remembering, the past
Seems something that happened
To someone else somewhere, not to us,
Like when we hear someone on the bus
Talking about their travails all these years,
Now that it's all over, let's not carry it over,
Remember not to resent, remember to forgive,
Do not forget the moonlight on the lake
The distant hillock shaped like an elephant
The half-heard song the breeze keeps alive.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Empty nest

Every janmashtami she invites

The eternal child home with
Flour footprints on the floor
Then has to keep telling
The transient child at home
To keep its feet off them,
The mother thinks the child
Has grown up too soon 
Forgetting all the nights
The baby kept them all awake,
Sees too footprints leaving her
Leaving behind an empty nest

Monday, August 12, 2024


Some fragrances are never forgotten

The smell of coffee in the morning
Even after you have stopped taking it
That of cigarettes you no more smoke
The odour of matchsticks you still like
When you light them for igniting the stove
The lungs don't find the incense agreeable 
The flowers for the framed favourite gods
Dare not evoke memories of the sensual
Though the metaphysical and saint-poets
Thought they were brides of the worshipped
If only you could have a whiff of the divine.


The moon is moving away 

From the earth but not too far

We cannot see it or forget it
The hills are meant to stay put
Not come tumbling after the rain
Burying alive those still far from
Their young dreams of growing old
To watch their young grow up as their
World slowly disappears into the mist.
Who can we pray to if who we pray to
Is eaten by the earth like the rest of us?
To feel alone is to find out there is no one
Out there looking out for us as we were told.