Tuesday, July 16, 2024


The distances in my native city

Have become dearer by cab or auto
All the rains in the world cannot wash
Away its dust or its ancient history
One remembers more than one wants to
The river and time flow only one way
To look back at the past is easy when
The heart knows that it won't be beating
For too long now given the life expectancy
One wants to shout 'here I am' as the haunts
Go past the suncreened vehicle's window
There is no desire to stop and reconnect
The distances have grown in my native city
The dark goddess is farther away than last time
One can thank her only for the void
One has reached after a lifelong journey ----
This void that could be emptiness or fullness or freedom.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Another day

The July evening after the rain

Is bathed in a blue incandescence
Before the lingering light gives way 
To the relative darkness of the city night
The imminent death of another day 
That will never come back but leave us
Another step closer to our last day or night
Cannot be looked at without a sense of loss.
When was time our ally that we ever went
To sleep, looking forward to the next day
When our hungers were sure to be sated
And we would take a step closer to the dream
That we told no one lest it did not come true?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

What we have

In the past 

There was tomorrow
Today there is only the past.


Thursday, July 4, 2024


The kuyil sleepless with love

Keeps singing through the night
The other only wants to hear him sing



Around him all the time

Words dancing like sirens
Wanting to break his silence