Tuesday, December 31, 2024


I am not a nastic flower

That I have to shut down
With the onset of darkness
This December night when
The dew and stars arouse
The nyctophilia in me
I sneak out
To the woods behind
My hostel room just
To stand alone, feel the
Cold breeze on the face,
Listen to the psithurism,
Inhale the damp scents
Of tree and grass
Watch the bittens learn
To fly, circle and land
Against the sky ----
The cigarette smoke of
An intruder sends me
Rushing back inside ---
When will I ever have
You to myself without
The wolves coming sniffing.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Stars we named

It is so cold we wish we

Could have stored the little
Sunlight we had yesterday
In a vat like we do water 
When we have scarcity
Like we draw on memories
When the real turns us away
The full moon could do with
A beauty spot, you say and
Proceed to put a dot on it
There see the maiden blush
You laugh -- what a useless
Pair we are with our fanciful 
Thoughts and flights of lunacy
We all become redundant
Some day and our skies
Come crashing down and
In those shards will shine
The stars we ourselves named.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


It is too far to hear church bells

But Christmas cheer is in the air
Stars have been mounted at some
Houses along the way to the station
Most shops are decked up for the season
All of us can do with some miracles
Whether we believe in them or not
Anything to bring the smiles back 
To look forward to the next year
The falling dew could turn to nectar
If the silent universe is so inclined,
Regrets come barking like these dogs,
We need not have turned so old before 
We could be young for more nights
Time need not have rushed like this
Like a train making up for lost time,
The mind makes and unmakes the world
The darkness floods and recedes
The train home is just minutes away -----
There is no need to throw our hands up
This could be the night when we wake up.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Memories are warm

On this cold night after we

Have warmed ourselves
We fall back on memories
Remember the silent valley
That spoke in rising mists
I was stung by a bee for
The first time in life 
Sitting by the window
At a vegetarian restaurant
Later we ran into a swarm
Locals asked us to duck
Till it swept over
Nature behaved itself 
For the rest of our time there
It did not show its other face,
If we had been around
Long enough like the residents 
The hills would have palled 
We remind ourselves 
As we surrender to sleep.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


There we are when we are not there

The doors open and close like flowers
Which know when to and when not to 
Against the wall we can see the rain fall
There are times when we want it to come
And times when we don't, like children
Weather keeps us guessing, whether or not
A giant fire is lit atop once volcanic hills
We have made a fetish of flames and fury
When the god comes down from the hills
He comes up with mundane demands
No one can ask him profound questions
On the meaning of life or what death holds
We can decipher dreams as nature's call
Nothing more as we go about our journey
Seeking directions on the way to nowhere.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Till we can't

Don't take Gibran's word for it

Go back to find you cannot go back
The television visuals show the streets
Of my native town flooded and my feet
Feel the water flowing around them
There were two theatres we frequented
My father and I, to escape home weather
In the square opposite the famous temple
Rationalists thundered against gods, myths
I remember the priest asking me to move
Throwing the flowers and ash at my hand
Careful not to touch, to avoid any pollution,
Nothing has changed there or elsewhere
The god of music himself cannot cross
The lines of caste and get nearer the shrine
The past draws borders we cannot cross
Only the memories of places we can own
The land and times we still carry with us
Exist no more out there; when we go back
We find out for ourselves we can't go back 
But can remember as well as we can,
Till we can't remember even the way back.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Flames of sorrow

Festivals are shadowed

By thoughts of the dead
When lamps are lit to mark
The defeat of darkness
The flames rekindle sorrow
Over those who have left ---
Father woke up lifeless that day
Days before the Deepam night
The rain came to mourn him,
When the last rites were over
The grey skies so burst out
The city and suburbs were flooded;
On phone brother recalls how
Friends and relatives struggled
To reach home from the funeral
We share recent dreams where
He reappeared and I tell him of one
Where he was lighting these lamps
And tasking us with tending them ---
Dreams bring back to us loved ones
Death took away and refused to return.