Wednesday, January 29, 2025


The rains have retreated

Leaving behind a shower
Of the silent dew at night
Through the window I see
The mist clinging to trees
And the street lights that coat
The road with a whitish hue
Looking like moonlight
The past is the unseen eye 
Through which I see the present
The house across the street back
In my native city comes back
There I saw for the first.time
The framed photo of hell and
Felt a stab of fear as the faithful
Explained the wages of sin
I have seen since the earthly
Versions of inferno and wondered
How anyone can be punished twice
The night is passing quietly with no
Dogs to break its merciful silence
I do not want to retreat yet and miss
The dark goddess who recites new verses.

Friday, January 24, 2025


The cat it is said thinks

The world disappears
Once it closes its eyes
What does it dream of
Rats or milk or cats
As it sleeps all day?
In the clinic when
I have to shut out the
Visual stimuli around
The world morphs into
A babble of voices,
Patients are called with
Respect due to clients,
Initials become important
When two have same names,
What is the story of the namesake?
I would not change places with anyone
Even a cat that gets to lounge all the time
My plot is just thickening, heading to a
Denouement that I can't come back from.

Friday, January 17, 2025


who can I share all these memories

with but you who do not want to

have anything to do with them again

though we got them growing up

together when we delighted as children

in the little creatures like butterflies and

glow worms and snails and dragonflies

do you remember the scorpions 

you took for walks on the street, stringing 

them along after cutting off their stings

the girls including me screamed at this,

we climbed walls to get onto terraces

in rented houses where there were no stairs

the stars seemed within reach then

the black and white films we watched

i have to watch now without father and

mother and you, and i fly back to the past

where i walk alone on streets we walked ---

what do I do with all these memories

which I have now to suffer all alone.

Monday, January 13, 2025


There's more to a Sunday than

Staring at the wife's face
How would a man know if
He is working on sabbath too
The rising sun is worth looking at
Through the canopy of trees
Where the birds greet its return
With a fanfare worthy of a king
Were you not there when the baby
Took its first steps towards you
Called you dada for the first time
Kept you awake with his stories
Spoken in the first language of man
There are chores to be done that
The hands doing them all alone
Six days a week should be free of
Let time not show its face for a day
When we have a face-to-face at home.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


The sunset speaks of dying memorably 

Turning heads with outbursts of tints

And outlines between form and thought
Homes beckon birds and humans while
Stars say there could be other roosts
That we have forgotten or lost sight of
The red orb flashes between buildings
Through the traffic it can be seen briefly 
No one has stopped to look at it sinking
The eyes wait impatiently for the signal,
There were times when the instant canvas
Daubed the heart with a myriad colours
Of ache, longing, nostalgia, and romance
When life's purpose was almost revealed.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The light dims and brightens

As clouds keep the sun in and out
I am in two minds now  ---- to begin
The day or go back to bed, pretend
To sleep, hugging the shadows of night;
It feels colder than January last year
This could be because I am a year older;
What is that word to describe winter warmth
When the late riser finally gets to turn up?
Apricity --- is appreciated in the city not used
To the few months of hill station weather
The dew, I will swear, makes music sweeter
Even my voice is bearable when I dare to sing 
In the wee hours karoake songs of my summer.

Saturday, January 4, 2025


On the curved lamp post

The grey and striped pigeon 
Perches, warming itself in
The rays of the January sun
Now rising to the right of the
Lakeview flats looking out
On houses where a lake
Once rippled and glittered
The predator can't have enough
The gig workers have resumed
Drilling at the nearby wedding hall
Raising two more floors probably 
In deviation of city building laws
Given the congestion of the street
All around me the world is busy 
Earning its daily bread with labour
The pigeon too has flown away
Leaving me gazing at the wisdom tree
Trying to hide a pair of doting mynahs,
I go back to my many chores cheerfully
Taking heart from all who are at work.