Thursday, August 30, 2018


In the silence
Something flowers
As if on cue
Brings with it
The strange hues
Of a dawn
No man has seen
Speaks of longings
From distant shores
That recede faster
Than we thought
Whispers songs
Still in the making
For those who can hear
With another ear.

Monday, August 27, 2018


Through the window
The wind brings 
Someone's grief
At how it all went wrong
After a promising start
Complaining of the world
That blames the world
For its own misfortunes
Sees those of others
As just deserts
When everyone justifies
The ways of God
Who will justify
The ways of man
Who has to fight hunger
Till his last breath.

Monday, August 20, 2018


In the city, night is no more night
The street lights defeat the darkness
Put it to flight; restless diurnal birds
On their uneasy perch protest
The excess of light, for a night;
For the sleepless the sit-out
Becomes a sentinel's lookout;
The bat circles by sound
The jamun tree rich with fruits
Like a besotted beau;
The white cat enters the opposite house
Through the window, comes out
In a minute through the grille gate
No one knows what he is after
On the pavement are lined up
Mirrored dented almirahs
Come for the festival makeover
The rodent hides behind them
Till the predator passes
Scurries across the road
The caveman who doesn't have
To hunt anymore
Watches the passing of the night


At night the distances disappear
Destinations that seemed so far away
During the day appear within reach
What can be will be, how can it not be
As long as we remember that yesterday
Need not repeat itself tomorrow;
This time the rains did not fail the river
Neither did the river the sea
If distress cannot be shared
How can we share bounty
At night it's possible to make peace
With the past, see things as they are
How far we have come, from where we were
Though we had to bury many desires on the way
So that others could travel light
At night, it is clear as day
That what we have
We cannot keep,
That what we cannot keep
Was never ours.