Saturday, January 27, 2024


Let sleep come to you unbid tonight

And no dream wake you but leave you
Sleeping and smiling as if at an angel
Let all the fears that kept you awake
Find some usurer who hounds debtors 
Who have paid more than they have borrowed
Let the past change as you sleep and turn
Into something wonderful to be recalled
Not what you do not want to look back at
Let all the poor and the deprived sleep
As soon as they wish and when they wake
Find ways to feed themselves with honour
Let night be kind when the day has been not.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Tell me how to go back to sleep

When I wake up and it's still night
Tell me how to traverse the night
When I cannot go back to sleep
Tell me how to find my way back
When I've lost my way home
Tell me how to feel for others
Even when I am myself broken
Tell me you still look out for me
Though I have turned my back on you ---
Fish-eyed goddess who cannot sleep.